Waikerie Property Valuation, Waikerie Online Property Valuation, Waikerie Instant Appraisal
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About Waikerie

Waikerie is situated on the banks of the beautiful
Murray River, a mere 175 kms from Adelaide. Enjoy
the winter sunshine or summer tranquility by
turning into Waikerie from the Sturt Highway
between Blanchetown and Barmera.

At the 2006 census, Waikerie had a population of
1,744. The Sturt Highway passes to the south of the
town at the top of the cliffs. There is a cable ferry
crossing the river to provide vehicle access from
the north side of the river.

Waikerie has been described as the 'citrus centre
of Australia' because it is located in the middle of
the Riverland area of South Australia, known for
growing of citrus and other fruit trees.